I didn’t know that being a father would take so much of my energy! I really suspect my 2 year-old boy to be a vampire, because he is literally sucking the life out of me! Waking up crying in the middle of the night to drink milk, rising up as the sun the next early morning when you are still barely able to differentiate dream from reality, monitoring any of your movement and inevitably asking you "what are you doing?", jumping on you, hitting you (for fun!?!), asking you to carry him around in your arms everywhere…. few examples of the joy of parenthood. I've already cancelled my gym membership, my new trainer is a tough one! Any little moment of peace I have, only one idea sticks to my mind: SLEEP! … or shower ? … no, it can wait… my bruised and exhausted body needs some rest. Pronto!
But something doesn't quite ring true with this bat a-like monster theory. If he is the reason why I can't seem to find the energy to open my eyes, how come when I'm away from him, I feel so empty and lifeless? I guess missing him takes a lot more energy than I thought. Must be another evil trick… Note to self: eat more garlic, avoid fangs.
Is it a proof enough ? |
Even though I'm pretty sure my son is a vampire, with Twilight, True Blood and others Being Human, don't we all love our little blood sucking creatures? Don't know for you, but I surely love mine.